Prodotti Dehru

82.5mm 40Khz Sistema ta 'qtugħ ultrasoniku għat-tqattigħ tal-gomma

deskrizzjoni qasira:

deskrizzjoni qasira:

The principle of ultrasonic rubber cutting is to convert 50/60Hz current into 20, 30 or 40kHz power through an ultrasonic generator. The converted high-frequency electrical energy is again converted into mechanical vibrations of the same frequency by a transducer, and then transmitted to the cutter through a set of amplitude modulator devices that can change the amplitude.

  • Frekwenza:40Khz
  • Qawwa:500w
  • Materjal tax-xafra:Titanju
  • Wisa' tax-xafra:82.5mm
  • Ġeneratur:Diġitali
  • Vultaġġ:220v 50/60Hz
  • Piż:8kg

    Dettall tal-Prodott


    Tags tal-Prodott

    Magna tat-tqattigħ ultrasoniku ta '40Khz Għall-manifattur tal-gomma tat-tqattigħ tal-gomma tat-Tajers


    Magna Cutter ultrasoniku tal-gomma/kejk
    Frekwenza (KHz) 40KHz
    Qawwa 500 W
    Qtugħ Xafra / Qarn Titanju
    Vultaġġ (V) 220V
    Il-wisa 'tax-xafra 82.5mm
    Ħxuna tat-tqattigħ 10 ~ 20mm (jiddependi fuq materjali)
    amplitudni tal-qrun 10-40μm
    Piż tat-tagħmir 0.6KG


    Traditional rubber cutting technology needs to lubricate the rubber during cutting, and there are phenomena such as slow cutting speed, large cuts, large amounts of dust, uneven cutting surfaces, and sticky knives. Many companies are still using traditional manual methods for cutting, which not only cannot satisfy productivity but also brings hidden dangers to life safety.
    For rubber products, cold cutting is more suitable than hot cutting. Cold cutting has the advantages of less heat generation, less thermal deformation, less dust during the cutting process, and no aging and cracking of the section due to excessive temperature. Ultrasonic rubber cutting technology belongs to cold cutting, which uses ultrasonic energy to locally heat and melt the cut rubber to achieve the purpose of cutting materials.


    Il-prinċipju tat-tqattigħ tradizzjonali
    Traditional cutting uses a knife with a sharp edge to concentrate a very large pressure on the edge and press the material to be cut. When the pressure exceeds the shear strength of the material being cut, the molecular bonds of the material are pulled apart to achieve cutting. Because the material is pulled apart by strong pressure and rigidity, the cutting edge of the cutting tool must be very sharp, and the material itself has to withstand relatively large pressure. Therefore, it is not effective for soft and elastic cutting, and it is more difficult for viscous materials.

    ultrasonic rubber cutting6


    Il-prinċipju ta 'qtugħ ultrasoniku tal-gomma
    Ultrasonic cutting uses the energy of sound waves to cut. It does not require sharp cutting edges, and does not require a lot of pressure, and will not cause chipping or damage to the material being cut. Ultrasonic rubber cutter can easily cut resin, rubber, plastic, fabric and various overlapping composite materials and food.

    The principle of ultrasonic rubber cutting knife is to convert 50/60Hz current into 20, 30 or 40kHz electric energy through an ultrasonic generator (also called ultrasonic power supply). The converted high-frequency electric energy is again converted into mechanical vibration of the same frequency through the transducer, and then the mechanical vibration is transmitted to the cutting knife through a set of amplitude modulator devices that can change the amplitude. The ultrasonic rubber cutting knife vibrates along its length with an amplitude of 10-70μm, repeating 40,000 times (40 kHz) per second (the vibration of the blade is microscopic, and it is generally difficult to see with the naked eye). The cutting knife then transfers the received vibration energy to the cutting surface of the workpiece to be cut. In this area, the vibration energy is used to cut the rubber by activating the molecular energy of the rubber and opening the molecular chain.


    Preċiżjoni għolja ħafna tat-tqattigħ-qtugħ huwa lixx, ċar u nadif.
    Qtugħ ripetut — L-output tax-xafra huwa mmonitorjat minn ċirkwit magħluq biex jipprovdi riżultati ta 'qtugħ konsistenti.
    Temperatura aktar baxxa-il-gomma kważi m'għandha l-ebda sħana.
    Nixfa — Mhi meħtieġa l-ebda lubrikazzjoni. Il-cutter ultrasoniku tal-gommajivvibra 20,000 sa 40,000 darba kull sekonda (skond l-applikazzjoni), sabiex ir-ras tal-qtugħ tista 'tgħaddi mill-gomma bla xkiel.
    Konsum baxx ta 'enerġija-ir-ras tal-qtugħ jivvibra biss meta taqta', u l-qawwa meħtieġa f'applikazzjoni ta 'materjal irqiq tipiku hija ta' madwar 100 watt jew inqas.
    Faċli biex tintegra fl-awtomazzjoni - il-proċess tal-qtugħ tal-gomma ultrasoniku huwa sempliċi ħafna u jista 'jiġi aġġornat għal strutturi mekkaniċi eżistenti jew installati f'tagħmir ġdid.


    rubber cutter (3)


    Normalment jintuża fit-tajers, materjali tal-prepuzju tal-kejbil, pajpijiet, gaskits u kimiċi-kisi ta 'tagħmir reżistenti u prodotti oħra tal-gomma għat-tqattigħ.


    Bl-użu tal-metodu

    40kHz sikkina tat-tqattigħ fil-qtugħ ta 'wiċċ ta' fuq tal-wiċċ (li jista 'jkun cross-cuting u mod lonġitudinali). Il-wisa 'tax-xafra tat-tqattigħ hija 82.5mm u tista' wkoll tiġi kostimizzata mill-bżonnijiet tiegħek.




  • Preċedenti:
  • Li jmiss:
  • 1.Hemm disinji tax-xafra differenti disponibbli għal skieken tal-qtugħ ultrasoniku?

    Yes, ultrasonic cutting knives come with various blade designs to suit different applications. Some common blade shapes include straight blades, curved blades, serrated blades, and custom-designed blades for specific cutting requirements.


    2.Jista 'jintuża sikkina tal-qtugħ ultrasoniku għal applikazzjonijiet awtomatizzati jew robotiċi?

    Yes, ultrasonic cutting knives can be integrated into automated or robotic systems for precision cutting in industrial settings. They can be controlled and programmed to follow specific cutting paths, making them suitable for high-speed production lines.


    3.Is-sikkina tal-qtugħ ultrasoniku hija sigura għall-użu?

    Ultrasonic cutting knives are generally safe to use when operated correctly. However, precautions should be taken to prevent accidental contact with the vibrating blade, and appropriate safety measures, such as guarding and training, should be implemented to ensure operator safety.


    4.Kif nagħżel is-sikkina tal-qtugħ ultrasoniku t-tajba għall-applikazzjoni tiegħi?

    When selecting an ultrasonic cutting knife, consider factors such as the type and thickness of the material to be cut, the desired cutting precision, the required cutting speed, and any specific features or accessories needed for your application. Consulting with the manufacturer or supplier can help in choosing the most suitable knife.


    5.Jista 'sikkina tal-qtugħ ultrasoniku tintuża għal applikazzjonijiet mhux-industrijali?

    Yes, ultrasonic cutting knives have applications beyond industrial settings. They can be used in crafts, hobbies, and DIY projects, as well as in research and development laboratories for cutting small samples or delicate materials.

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